Family and Community Medicine
Antao P, Beber S, Telner D, Krueger P, Meaney C, Peranson J, Meuser J (2015). Are non physician healthcare providers prepared and supported to teach in family medicine? Family Med, 47(3) 187-93.
Beber S, Antao V, Telner D, Krueger P, Peranson J, Meaney C, Meindl M, Webster F (2015). Examining the teaching roles and experiences of non-physician health care providers in family medicine education: a qualitative study. BMC Medical Education, 15(15).
Wong R, Breiner P, Mylopoulos M (2014). Shifting contours of boundaries: an exploration of inter-agency integration between hospital and community interprofessional diabetes programs. J Interprof Care, 28(5), 447-52. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2014.909795. Epub 2014 Apr 28.
Brosseau L, Wells G, Brooks-Lineker S, Bennell K, Sherrington C, Briggs A, Sturnieks D, King J, Thomas R, Egan M, Loew L, De Angelis G, Casimiro L, Toupin April K, Cavallo S, Bell M, Ahmed R, Coyle D, Poitras S, Smith C, Pugh A, Rahman P (2015). Internet-based implementation of non-pharmacological interventions of the “people getting a grip on arthritis” educational program: an international online knowledge translation randomized controlled trial design protocol. JMIR Res Protoc, Feb 3;4(1), e19. doi: 10.2196/resprot.3572.
Kitto S, Goldman J, Etchells E, Silver I, Peller J, Sargeant J, Reeves S, Bell M (2015). Quality improvement, patient safety, and continuing education: a qualitative study of the current boundaries and opportunities for collaboration between these domains. Acad Med, 90(2), 240-245. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000596.
Gagliardi AR, Webster F, Perrier L, Bell M, Straus S (2014). Exploring mentorship as a strategy to build capacity for knowledge translation research and practice: a scoping systematic review. Implement Sci, 25(9),122. doi: 10.1186/s13012-014-0122-z.
Yu CH, Ivers NM, Stacey D, Rezmovitz J, Telner D, Thorpe K, Hall S, Settino M, Kaplan DM, Coons M, Sodhi S, Sale J, Straus SE (2015). Impact of an interprofessional shared decision-making and goal-setting decision aid for patients with diabetes on decisional conflict–study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 27(16), 286. doi: 10.1186/s13063-015-0797-8.
Wong BM (2014). How health professions education can advance patient safety and quality improvement. Healthc Q. 17 Spec No:31-35.
MacNeill H, Telner D, Sparaggis-Agaliotis A, Hanna E (2014). All for one and one for all: understanding health professionals’ experience in individual versus collaborative online learning. J Contin Educ Health Prof, 34(2),102-11. doi: 10.1002/chp.21226.
Gagliardi AR, Webster F, Straus SE (2015). Designing a knowledge translation mentorship program to support the implementation of evidence-based innovations. BMC Health Serv Res, 14;15:198. doi: 10.1186/s12913-015-0863-7.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Windrim R, Ryan G, Lebouthillier F, Campisi P, Kelly EN, Baud D, Yoo SJ, Deprest J (2014). Development of a high-fidelity simulator for fetal endotracheal balloon occlusion (FETO) insertion and removal. Prenat Diagn, 34(2), 180-184. doi: 10.1002/pd.4284. Epub 2013 Dec 27. PMID: 24284906
Hodges R, Simpson A, Gurau D, Secter M, Mocarski E, Pittini R, Snelgrove J, Windrim R, Higgins M (2015). Learning from experience: Development of a cognitive task list to assess the second stage of labour for operative delivery. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 37(4), 354-361.
Simpson AN, Hodges R, Snelgrove J, Gurau D, Secter M, Mocarski E, Pittini R, Windrim R, Higgins M (2015). Learning from experience: Development of a cognitive task list to perform a safe and successful kielland forceps deliveries. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 37(5), 397-404.
Simpson AN, Gurau D, Secter M, Mocarski E, Pittini R, Snelgrove J, Hodges R, Windrim R, Higgins M (2015). Learning from experience: Development of a cognitive task-list to perform a safe and successful non-rotational forceps delivery. J Obstet Gynaecol Can, 37(7), 589-597.
Secter M, Hodges R, Simpson A, Gurau D, , Mocarski E, Pittini R, Snelgrove J, Windrim R, Higgins M (in press). Learning from experience: Development of a cognitive task-list to perform a safe and successful vaginal breech delivery. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Canada
Higgins M, Kfouri J, Biringer A, Seaward G, Windrim R (in press). Teaching an experienced multidisciplinary team about postpartum hemorrhage: Comparison of two methods. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Canada
O Brien S, Simpson A, Windrim R, McAuliffe F, Higgins M (in press). Learning from experience: Development of a cognitive task list to perform a caesaean section in the second stage of labour.Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Canada.
2013-2015 Ontario AHSC AFP Innovation Funds “High-fidelity simulation to assess interprofessional teamwork in obstetric crisis management.” Mrinalini Balki, Mary Ellen Cooke, Rory Windrim. $124,437
2014-2016 Ontario AHSC AFP Innovation Funds “The role of simulation training on shoulder dystocia management and its effect on the incidence of brachial plexus injury”. Michael Geary, Tatiana Freire-Lizama Sharon Adams, Howard Berger, Jon Barrett Douglas Campbell Michael Sgro, Jonathan Maguire, Joel Ray, James Ruiter, Rory Windrim. Year 1 funding $20,856
Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Second year of ITF grant “Modular Online Framework for Public Education, Undergraduate & Entry‐level Professional Curriculum, & Post‐Professional Certification” in progress.
Mammo ZN, Yousif F, Lam WC (2014). Educational outcome of the University of Toronto visiting professor rounds series. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, 49(1), 96-101.
Al-Azri H, Ratnapalan S. Problem-based learning in continuing medical education: Review of randomized controlled trials (2014). Can Fam Physician, 60(2),157-65.
Kempinska AY, Bhanji F, Larouche S, Dubrovsky AS (2014). A novel simulation-based program for ultrasound-guided fracture reductions: Program evaluation. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 32(12), 1547-1549.
King G, Servais M, Shepherd T, Willoughby C, Bolack L, Moodie S, Baldwin P, Strachan D, Knickle K, Pinto M, Parker, K, McNaughton N, Savage D (2015). A listening skill educational intervention for paediatric rehabilitation clinicians. Developmental Neurorehabilitation (1751-8423). Aug 25:1-13.
King G, Sheppard T, Servais M, Willoughby C, Bolack L, Strachan D, Moodie S, Baldwin P, Knickle K, Parker K, Savage D, McNaughton N (2014). Developing authentic clinical simulations for effective listening and communication in pediatric rehabilitation service delivery. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. Posted online on December 30, 2014. doi:10.3109/17518423.2014.989461.
Ratnapalan S, Uleryk E (2014). Organizational learning in health care organizations. Systems, 2(1), 24-33.
Sehgal A, Mehta S, Evans N McNamara PJ (2014). Cardiac sonography by the neonatologist: Clinical usefulness and educational perspective. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 33(8), 1401-1406.
Test-Enhanced Continuing Education – A Randomized Controlled Trial Feldman ME, Wan M, Martimianakis T, Kulasegaram M, Education Development Fund, U of T $19,250 2015-2016
Development of a listening skill simulation intervention for pediatric rehabilitation therapists. King G, Servais M, Shepherd T, S Moodie, Parker K, Willoughby C, Bolack L, Baldwin P. SIM-one Simulation Research and Innovation Grant. Ontario Simulation Network. $24,855 CAD. 2013 – 2015
“Its not just about getting along”: Discourses of collaboration and team learning. Martimianakis M. A., (PI) Mylopoulos M, Schneider R, Tse S. Royal College CanMeds Education Grant. $23,910. 2014-2016
Learning the interpretation of point-of-care emergency ultrasound Images. Kwan C, Boutis K, Fischer J, Pecaric M, Pusic M. Academic Pediatric Association. $10,000 CAD. Mar 2014 – May 2015
Learning retention and the timing of refresher education after the deliberate practice of radiograph interpretation. Boutis K. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. $13,333. December 2011- December 2014.
Ravitz P, Wondimagegn D, Pain C, Araya M, Alem A, Baheretibeb Y, Hanlon C, Fekadu A, Park J, Fefergrad M, Leszcz M (2014). Psychotherapy knowledge translation and interpersonal psychotherapy: using best-education practices to transform mental health care in Canada and Ethiopia, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 68(4), 463-88.
Selby P, Goncharenko K, Barker M, Fahim M, Timothy V, Dragonetti R, Kemper K, Herie M, Hays JT (2015). Review and evaluation of online tobacco dependence treatment training programs for health care practitioners, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(4), e97-0000.
Sockalingam S, Tan A, Hawa R, Pollex H, Abbey S, Hodges BD (2014). Interprofessional education for delirium care: a systematic review. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 19(2), 161-181.
Radiation Oncology
Gillan, C et al. (2015). Team-based clinical simulation in radiation medicine: value to attitudes and perceptions of interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 14(2), 117-125.
Giuliani, ME et al. (2014). Determining an imaging literacy curriculum for radiation oncologists: An international delphi study. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 88(4), 961-966.
Gillan, C et al. (2014). Interprofessionally-based simulation in radiation medicine: Addressing collaborative clinical competencies. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 2(45), 166.
Jewitt, N et al. (2015). Development and evaluation of patient education materials for elderly lung cancer catients. Journal of Cancer Education,1-5.
Turner, S et al. (2015). Establishing a Global Radiation Oncology Collaboration in Education (GRaCE): Objectives and priorities. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 117(1), 188-192.
Kwan, JYY et al. (2015). Mapping the Future: Towards oncology curriculum reform in undergraduate medical education at a Canadian medical school. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 91(3), 669-677.
Giuliani, M et al. (2014). Evaluation of high-fidelity simulation training in radiation oncology using an outcomes logic model. Radiation Oncology, 9(1), 189.
Milne, RA et al. (2014). Predictors of high eHealth literacy in primary lung cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Education, 1-8.
Gillan, C et al. (2014). Exploring attitudes of Canadian radiation oncologists, radiation therapists, physicists, and oncology nurses regarding interprofessional teaching and learning.
Nguyen, L et al. (2015). Student eLearning imaging module initiative for soft tissue sarcoma radiotherapy treatment. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 1(46), S25-S26.
Carlone, M et al. (2014). Sci—Fri PM: Topics—05: Experience with linac simulation software in a teaching environment. Medical Physics, 41(8), 25-25.
EDF Grant: “High Fidelity eLearning to support competency-based residency training: radiation oncology as a testing ground.” Meredith Giuliani, Caitlin Gillan (co-PIs).