Life Promotion Camp for Indigenous Youth in Grey and Bruce Counties

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Author(s): Jennifer Sells, Keystone Child, Youth & Family Services; Leeann Shimoda, Independent First Nations; Marleen Vogl, Chippewas of Nawash Health Centre


A group of First Nations’ individuals and those working with First Nations’ youth met to try to find an intervention to address the issue of Indigenous youth suicide. A targeted intervention of a “life promotion camp” was chosen with grade 7 and 8 youth as the focus (from both local First Nations and off-reserve Indige- nous youth) to help prepare them for high school and for mental health challenges generally. Our assumption was that providing an opportunity for them to be together with cultural and recre- ational experiences at this critical life stage, as well as receiving information and exposure to some of the helping professionals locally, as well as their older peers, might help them prepare for the challenges that high school would present to them.
Oral Presentation