20th Toronto Breast Surgery Symposium & 50th Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium

Thank-you for agreeing to be a speaker at the 20th Toronto Breast Surgery Symposium & 50th Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium.

This web page will guide you through a series of tasks for your live digital presentation. Please complete all the tasks by the deadlines listed below.

1 Preparing for Your Session

January 27, 2023

Please submit the following items by email to CPD Conference Services

Learning Objectives

To ensure your presentation content and delivery is in alignment with the stated program objectives.

You will need to create 2-3 Learning Objectives for your session. Learn more about writing learning objectives here.

Credentials & Appointments

All speakers are asked to submit their signature in the following format:

Short Biography (50 words or less)

Your biography should be 2-3 sentences  (50 words or less) outlining your experience in the field.


Please provide a professional headshot in jpeg or png format. This will be used on the online platform and in conference marketing materials.

Conflict of Interest Form

Every speaker must complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.

2 Prepare your Presentation

Day of Presentation

Slide Format & Mandatory Slides

University of Toronto Accreditation conditions require that all presenters/speakers must include a disclosure slide and learning objectives slide at the beginning of their presentation, stating all real or apparent conflict(s) of interest or lack thereof and verbally notify the audience. Download Slide Template (PPT)


Content for PowerPoint presentations, websites and printed materials should not contain copyright-protected work. However, if the materials are deemed essential, the application of Fair Dealing may apply.

Patient Confidentiality

All presentations must comply with patient confidentiality agreements. Patient names should not be used, and images must not contain identifiable features (e.g., institutional location of scan, date of scan, patient date of birth, MRN, photography that shows facial or other identifiable features etc.).

After reviewing the above requirements and ensuring your presentation has included the 2 mandatory slides, please place your presentation on an unencrypted USB device and bring it with you to the conference. You must arrive at least 1 hour prior to your session. When you arrive, please check in at the registration desk so we are able to give your presentation to the A/V team.