
Friday, October 18, 2019

0715 Registration and continental breakfast

Welcome remarks

Sender Herschorn

Endourology Moderator: Kenneth Pace
(Each presentation will have a min of 7.5 minutes of interactivity btw audience and speaker)

Quality assessment in Urology and endourology: What can Canada learn from the USA?

Dr. T. Averch

The asymptomatic stone: Observe or treat?


A 6mm upper calyceal stone in a woman about to undergo IVF

Treat: Dr. M. Farcas
Observe: Dr. M. Ordon



A 4mm lower calyceal stone in a pilot

Treat: Dr. T. Averch
Observe: Dr. K. Pace



A 12 mm lower calyceal stone in a comorbid 80 y.o. woman with a history of struvite stones

Treat: Dr. M. Ordon
Observe: Dr. J. Lee


1000 Break with Exhibitors
Endourology and stones Moderator: Kenneth Pace
(Each presentation will have a min of 5 minutes of interactivity btw audience and speaker)

A practical approach to stone metabolic workup

Dr. T. Averch


New technologies in Endourology

Dr. M. Farcas

1115 Panel discussion with audience
Intraoperative urologic injuries:
Getting out of trouble
Moderator: Sender Herschorn
(Each presentation will have a min of 2 minutes of interactivity btw audience and speaker)

How I handle ureteroscopic injuries

Dr. M. Ordon


Update on iatrogenic ureteral injuries

Dr. B. Brucker


Bladder injuries during ob-gyn surgery

Dr. S. Herschorn


Recognizing and treating urethral injuries during urologic surgery

Dr. S. Radomski

1155 Case Presentation, Panel and Discussion with Audience
1215 Lunch with exhibitors
Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction Moderator: Sender Herschorn
(Each presentation will have a min of 3 minutes of interactivity btw audience and speaker)

Review of pathophysiology, epidemiology, and new classification of NLTD

Dr. S. Herschorn


Initial workup and risk stratification in new CUA Guidelines

Dr. L. Stothers

1330 Common urologic problems and their management with:
Diseases at the brainstem and above (CVA, CP, Parkinson’s)Dr. S. Radomski

Diseases of the spinal cord (MS, SCI)

Dr. B. Brucker


Diseases distal to the spinal cord (disk disease, radical pelvic surgery)

Dr. S. Herschorn


Update on urinary tract infection in patients managed with indwelling or intermittent catheterization

Dr. L. Stothers


Cases and discussion

Panelists: B. Brucker, S. Radomski, L. Stothers

1500 Break with exhibitors
Pediatric urology Moderator: Armando Lorenzo
(Each presentation will have a min of 5 minutes of interactivity btw audience and speaker)

Quality Improvement in Pediatric Urology: ‘Collaboration of specialized and community centres in uncommon surgical problems.

Dr. P. Merguerian


Digital photography and artificial intelligence: What every urologist should know (and expect) about the future

Dr. D. Bagli

1620 Update on management of sexual dysfunction in adolescents:
Persistent curvature after hypospadias repair
Vaginal stenosis after urogenital procedures
Neurogenic sexual dysfunctionPanelists: Drs. D. Bagli, Y. Krakowski, P. Merguerian
1700 Adjourn

Saturday, October 19, 2019

(Each presentation will include a 25% min interactivity btw speaker and audience)

0715 Registration and continental breakfast
Prostate Cancer: Localized Moderator: Neil Fleshner
(Each presentation will have a min of 3 minutes of interactivity btw audience and speaker)

Novel biomarkers in the management of localized prostate cancer: Canadian perspective

Dr. A. Zlotta


Are all Grade Group 1 tumours the same? Implications for active surveillance and focal therapy

Dr. M. Cooperberg


5-ARI’s and prostate cancer: novel developments

Dr. R. Hamilton


Role of MRI in staging high risk prostate cancer

Dr. N. Perlis


High risk and very high risk prostate cancer: workup and optimal management

Dr. B. Chapin


Case presentations and discussion

Panel: Drs. A. Zlotta, N. Perlis, B. Chapin, M. Cooperberg

1000 Break with Exhibitors
Kidney Cancer Moderator: Nathan Perlis
(Each presentation will have a min of 3 minutes of interactivity btw audience and speaker)

Necessity of renal hypothermia during partial nephrectomy – results from randomized trial

Dr. R. Breau


Practical tips in the active surveillance of small renal masses

Dr. M. Jewett

1100 Systemic therapy for advanced renal cell carcinoma: Take away points for the practicing urologist
Dr. R. Breau
Hyperbaric medicine Moderator: Robert Hamilton

Update on hyperbaric oxygen for the urologic patient

Dr. W. Evans

1140 Presentation discussion with presenter and audience
Surgical Safety in the OR Moderator: Sender Herschorn

Is the operating room as safe as it can be? Lessons from our medico-legal files

Dr. G. Lefebvre

1230 Presentation discussion with presenter and audience
1245 Lunch with exhibitors
Bladder Cancer Moderator: Alexandre Zlotta
(Each presentation will have a min of 3 minutes of interactivity btw audience and speaker)

Vincent Colapinto Memorial Lecture

Introduction by Michael Jewett
BCG failures, BCG unresponsiveness and novel therapies for N MIBC

Dr. M. O’Donnell


Improving outcomes of Radical Cystectomy: ERAS and beyond

Dr. N. Fleshner


Managing the BCG shortage: Updates and new option

Dr. M. O’Donnell


Case presentations and discussion with audience

Panel: Drs. M. O’Donnell, M. Jewett, N. Fleshner, R. Breau

1500 Break with exhibitors
Prostate Cancer Moderator: Robert Hamilton

Functional imaging in metastatic prostate cancer: when and in whom?

Dr. M. Cooperberg


Management of oligometastatic prostate cancer in 2019: Role of radiation versus surgery

Dr. P. Cheung


Cytoreductive prostatectomy: treatment of the primary tumour in hormone sensitive metastatic prostate cancer

Dr. B. Chapin


Cardiovascular risks of androgen deprivation: New insights on androgen-receptor-axis-targeted therapies

Dr. N. Fleshner

1645 Case presentations discussion with presenter and audience
1700 Adjourn