Call for Abstracts

European Club for Paediatric Burns World Congress 2023 is now accepting applications for poster and oral presentations.

Important Dates

  1. May 5, 2023: Submission Deadline
  2. June 6, 2023: Notifications of Acceptance

Inclusion Criteria for Abstract

The Congress is pleased to have invited abstracts related to pediatric burn care from all disciplines. The emphasis of this meeting is to encourage participation and allow members to share their work.

Oral Abstract Presentation Guidelines:

To keep the meeting moving and interactive, and on time, speakers are asked to adhere to the following guidelines for the talks. These are included to help you maximize talking about what you did in your specific study and remove all superfluous information not required when speaking to a knowledgeable audience. Almost everyone in the audience is experienced with pediatric burn care, so you can dive right into the study with little background information required.

Please practice ensuring you finish your talk in 10 minutes or less, as the moderators will be stopping the talks at the 10-minute mark. It would be a shame to be cut off, especially if it is your summary of the entire presentation.

All abstract submissions should include the following headings: Title, authors, learning objective, background, methods, results, and conclusions:

  • The title slide is your introduction. This is a knowledgeable audience, so that the topic can be completed without further introduction. You do not need to include any background on the topic, and citing published papers in the introduction is discouraged. A single slide that introduces why you did the study in your center/group is all that is required.
  • Methods – maximum of two slides. The first slide should outline the basic study method, and maybe another slide that outlines a special or new methodology that people might not be aware of. Scrutiny of the methods is usually something reviewed in a published paper!
  • Results/Findings – this is where you can and should spend time talking! Include information regarding what you found and what you are bringing to the meeting and include what the study results mean to you or your group, how this has helped you, and what you have learned.
  • Quoting other papers is only encouraged if it is essential. People don’t need to fly from Europe to Toronto to have information presented that they can get at home while sipping a cool beverage! This is because we can go to the literature and read the papers if necessary.


  • All abstracts will be presented in person in an oral format.
  • Please see the agenda for the date and timing of your presentation.
  • Presenters must register for the Congress at the time of acceptance to present.
  • Registration for presenters who are residents and fellows will be waived.