Saturday, April 2, 2016
07:30 | Registration and Continental Breakfast |
08:15 | Welcome and Opening Remarks Marc de Perrot |
08:20 | Case Presentation and Questions for the Day Marc de Perrot |
Part 1: Acute PE
08:30 | Epidemiology of Acute PE: What is the extent of the problem in Canada? Jakov Moric |
08:45 | Clinical Presentation of Acute PE: An ER perspective Anil Chopra |
09:05 | Invited Talk: Tips and tricks in radiology for acute PE Carole Dennie |
09:30 | Refreshment Break with Exhibitors |
Part 2: Acute PE
10:00 | Medical Management of Acute PE Erik Yeo |
10:20 | Discharged from Hospital with an Acute PE: What the GP needs to know? Alan Kaplan |
10:40 | Case Presentation, Questions/Answers and Panel Discussion Marc de Perrot |
11:00 | Lunch (Provided) |
Part 3: Massive, Submassive, and Acute on Chronic PE
12:00 | Clinical Presentation of Massive, Submassive PE, and Acute on Chronic PE: What should the clinicians look for? Marc de Perrot |
12:20 | Radiology of Acute on Chronic PE: How to recognize chronic disease in the acute setting? Narinder Paul |
12:50 | Treatment of Massive and Submassive PE John Granton |
13:10 | Case Presentation, Questions/Answers and Panel Discussion Marc de Perrot |
13:30 | Refreshment Break with Exhibitors |
Part 4: Chronic PE
14:00 | The Patient Journey in CTEPH Anastasia Bykova + a patient |
14:30 | Clinical Presentation of Chronic PE John Granton |
14:50 | Evaluation and Surgical Treatment for Chronic PE Marc de Perrot |
15:20 | Refreshment Break |
Part 5: Chronic PE
15:35 | Interventional radiology in chronic PE Kong-Teng Tan |
15:55 | Medical therapy in chronic PE John Thenganatt |
16:15 | Case Presentation, Questions/Answers and Panel Discussion Marc de Perrot |
16:35 | Closing Remarks and Course Evaluation Marc de Perrot |
16:45 | Adjourn |