Dear Colleague,
The continued success of the Hand and Upper Extremity Update has been due to a combination of excellent speakers, dedicated participants, and enthusiastic exhibitors.
Download Prospectus PDF With this in mind, we welcome you to join us for the Manktelow Day – Upper Extremity Update 2015 October 16-17, 2015.
We are excited to present the joining of these two meetings to our delegates and sponsors, as it provides a centralized forum for orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, occupational/physical therapists and nurses to stay current and an opportunity to meet face to face.
This year’s topics include:
Friday Oct 16, 2015: Toronto Western Hospital
Manktelow Day
- Wrist Trauma
Saturday Oct. 17, 2015: Renaissance Downtown
Upper Extremity Update
- Distal Radius Fractures
- Dupuytren’s disease
Best Regards,
Steven McCabe MD, MSc, FRCS(C)
Hand Surgeon University Hand Program
Toronto Western Hospital
Associate Professor of Surgery
Faculty of Medicine University of Toronto
- Gold Supporter positions are available on a first-come, firstserve basis.
- First tier placement of 10′ x 10′ booth in high traffic exhibit area.
- Six representatives may staff display and attend academic sessions.
- Company logo acknowledgment on all conference supporter areas (brochure, web site, on-site posters, plenary slides)
- You will be provided with a 6′ draped table and are able to set up a 8′ x 10′ floor display pop-up floor display within a 1’ parameter of your table and/or display table.
- Three representatives may staff display and attend academic sessions.
- Acknowledgment on all conference supporter areas (brochure, web site, on-site posters, plenary slides)
- Table display only. You will be provided with a 6’ draped table.
- Two representatives may staff display and attend academic sessions.
- Acknowledgment on all conference supporter areas (brochure, web site,on-site posters, plenary slides)
Please confirm your commitment to:
Natalie Halsband Event Planner, CMP
Continuing Education and Professional Development
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Suite 650, 500 University Avenue | Toronto, Ontario M5G 1V7
T: 416-946-0009 | E:
Please make cheques payable to the “University of Toronto” and mail to the attention of: Natalie Halsband, CMP
Important Note: 13% HST will be added to all level of sponsorships