Launch of CPD’s COVID-19 Resource Library

The current unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the medical community closer together—virtually. Various credible sources are frequently producing new resources and information to support healthcare professionals learn new skills, adapt to the current situation, and understand coping mechanisms, just to name a few. CPD has curated these trusted resources into the recently launched COVID-19 Resource Library—a hub for clinical resources.

Healthcare professionals can access a variety of clinical information—both general and speciality specific, as well as resources that support virtual care and wellness. Online learning materials are also available such as the Quick ICU Training resource to assist physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who are upskilling, renewing, or reviewing their knowledge and skills for temporary redeployment to critical care.

CPD is also contributing to resource development by partnering with departments to develop COVID-19 professional development webinars on a variety of topics including virtual care, wellness, and clinical areas. These webinars are designed for both generalist and specialist healthcare professionals. Information about upcoming webinars will similarly be listed on the Resource Library, and thereafter be moved to an archive page of recordings for on-demand viewing.

This is a difficult time for many healthcare professionals and CPD is committed to providing content to support the needs of clinicians, faculty, and other members of the CPD community.

If you have a related important resource that you think should be included in our Resource Library, please let us know by contacting:

We encourage you to visit the COVID-19 Resource Library often for the latest healthcare materials on COVID-19.