Poster Abstract Index

Poster Abstract Index

P1 Siblings of Laron Syndrome Muath Abu Abah
P2 Severe Hypertriglyceridemia During Chemotherapy for Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Nasra Al Jaafari
P3 Beyond Salt-Wasting CAH: The Broader Differential for a Positive Newborn Screen Aliya Allahwala
P4 Low Bone Turnover and Intravenous Zoledronic Acid Are Insufficient to Prevent Denosumab-Induced-Rebound Hypercalcemia in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Case Report Fahd Alshammri
P5 Serum Sickness Like Syndrome Due to Methimazole in Graves’ Disease Alanoud Aman
P6 The Diagnostic Odyssey of Cyclical Cushing Syndrome: A Case Report Mary Zhao
P7 Case Report of an Adolescent With Normal Breast Development, Suppressed Gonadotropins, Abnormal Ovaries, and Infantile Uterus Tali Baird
P8 Treatment of Persistent Hypertension in a Patient With 17-Alpha-Hydroxylase Deficiency Laurence Bastien
P9 Pediatric Cushing’s Syndrome Secondary to Ectopic ACTH Secretion by a Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor: A Case Report Gabrielle Doré-Brabant
P10 Hidden Cause of Fragile Bones: Scurvy-Induced Vertebral Compression Fractures in an Apparent Healthy 11-Year-Old—a Case Report Regina Duperval
P11 TMEM38B Gene Mutation Associated With Osteogenesis Imperfecta Abdulrahman Habib
P12 An Unlikely Pair-A Presentation of Hypercalcaemia and Hyponatraemia Annabelle Hobbs
P13 Examining the Moderators of Diabetes Distress Among Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes on the Effect of a Mindful-Self Compassion Intervention Alanna Jane
P14 Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State and Significant Microvascular Complications: A Rare Presentation of Adolescent Type 2 Diabetes Alyssa Kahane
P16 Two Siblings With Laron Syndrome and Their Response to Mecasermin Therapy. Elise Martin
P17 Improving Tools and Clinical Processes to Identify and Address Food Insecurity Mara McNeil
P18 The AB(C)s of Thyroid Hormone Resistance Mallory McNiven
P19 Early Detection and Treatment of Vertebral Fractures, a Sign of Accelerated Senescence in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome, Is Associated With Stabilization of Vertebral Fractures Ulrich Montcho
P20 6-Month Leuprolide Acetate for Monitoring Central Precocious Puberty Treatment Efficacy Rebecca Perry
P21 Weight Stigma in the Pediatric Diabetes Population: Evaluating Patient Level Factors and Diabetes Related Outcomes Supraja Rengan
P22 Primary Hyperparathyroidism Due to a Single Mutation in CDC73 in a 14-Year-Old Girl: A Case-Report Solène Rérat
P23 Diabetes Education During Pediatric Residency Training: Are We Doing Enough? Gabrielle Scantlebury
P24 A Case of Truly “Idiopathic” Infantile Hypercalcemia – When Calcium Is High but Everything Else Is Low Sulafa Sindi
P25 A Case of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Presenting With Hypothyroidism Marie St Jacques
P26 Not All Salt Wasting Is Congenital Adrenal HYPERplasia: Case Report of Delayed Presentation With NR0B1 Mutation Shwetha Suresh
P27 Prevalence and Risk Factors for Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction in Children With Type 1 Diabetes Sruthi Thomas
P28 A Description of ACTH Stimulation Testing Results in Term Neonates Sruthi Thomas
P29 Echoes of the Past: A Case of Multiple Endocrinopathies Due to Iron Overload Abigail Wittenberg
P30 Title: The Genetics of Mild Isolated Neonatal Hyperthyrotropinemia – an Additional Tool to Help Predict Transient vs. Permanent Congenital Hypothyroidism? Nicole Yokubynas
P31 Unrecognized Social Needs in a Pediatric Diabetes Clinic: Insights From Navigating Social Resources for Children’s Health (NSRCH) Study Reem Al-Obiade
P32 The Causal Role of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Pubertal Timing: A Mendelian Randomization Study Melody Zuo