2023 CHILD-BRIGHT Conference (In-person Poster Presenters)

Thank you for agreeing to be an in-person poster presenter at the 2023 CHILD-BRIGHT Conference, taking place on June 8-9, 2023 at the Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning, 686 Bay St. Toronto ON M5G 0A4.

This web page will guide you through a series of tasks for your participation as a poster presenter. Please complete all the tasks by the deadlines listed below.

1 Prepare Your Research Poster

May 29

At the 2023 CHILD-BRIGHT Conference, we hope to make posters more accessible to everyone and to streamline the key information shared with all attendees. We encourage you to reimagine how you present information and consider using a non-traditional poster format. Known as the Morrison Method, this poster design aims to efficiently communicate the information to attendees by keeping the content focused on the big picture and specifically on what participants need to know. For a research project, that might mean your main question or most prominent finding.

Note: In-person physical posters are required to be a maximum of 3ft wide x 4ft tall. Since this portrait layout is also the best orientation for displaying your poster on the virtual platform, the templates provided below are in this format.

Poster Templates

To orient you to this format, we have designed a full-sized poster template for download (in PowerPoint format) that can be customized along with a how-to guide that you can refer to. You can view a sample poster using this format here.


Content for PowerPoint presentations, websites and printed materials should not contain copyright-protected work. However, if the materials are deemed essential, the application of Fair Dealing may apply.

Patient Confidentiality

All presentations must comply with patient confidentiality agreements. Patient names should not be used, and images must not contain identifiable features (e.g., institutional location of scan, date of scan, patient date of birth, MRN, photography that shows facial or other identifiable features etc.).

After reviewing the requirements above, please submit both your poster in PDF format and MP4 presentation recording by uploading it through this portal by end of day on Monday, May 29, 2023.

Please ensure the title of the transfer, and the title of your presentation file is named: CHILD-poster# (e.g. CHILD-P01) so we are able to easily track it.

2 Prepare Your Pre-Recorded Video

May 29

All poster presenters are to submit a supplementary short video covering the content detailed in the poster. This should briefly introduce the work being done, provide a high-level status update, describe any conclusions, and reflect on the direction of future work and broader impacts (Sample Video). Considerations to take into account:

  • Your recording not exceed 5-minutes in length
  • Video must be in 16:9 (standard widescreen, not portrait)
  • Keep in mind that the target audience includes patients and families as well as researchers and clinicians
  • Presenters can present the submitted posters or opt to use any number of slides/visual aids highlighting specific content. If the latter is preferred, it is important to limit the amount of text/content/complexity captured in each.
  • It is recommended that you share your face/likeness during the recording
  • Video Recording Options:
    • Record yourself on your phone or webcam explaining your poster
    • Record a PowerPoint presentation with slides and audio to elaborate on concepts


Content for PowerPoint presentations, websites and printed materials should not contain copyright-protected work. However, if the materials are deemed essential, the application of Fair Dealing may apply.

Patient Confidentiality

All presentations must comply with patient confidentiality agreements. Patient names should not be used, and images must not contain identifiable features (e.g., institutional location of scan, date of scan, patient date of birth, MRN, photography that shows facial or other identifiable features etc.).

Recording Your Poster Presentation

Use one of the options outlined below to record your poster presentation.

Recording Powerpoint (Mac)

The following resources will help you record your PowerPoint on a Mac:

Recording in Zoom

You can also record your presentation directly using zoom.

Recording Powerpoint (Windows)

The following resources will help you record your PowerPoint on Windows:

After reviewing the requirements above, please submit both your poster in PDF format and MP4 presentation recording by uploading it through this portal by end of day on Monday, May 29, 2023.

Please ensure the title of the transfer, and the title of your presentation file is named: CHILD-poster# (e.g. CHILD-P01) so we are able to easily track it.

3 Day of LIVE Program

June 8

Presenting your Poster in Person

Please check in at the conference registration desk when you arrive to pick up your poster board package and attendee name badge.


  • In-person posters will be displayed on Thursday, June 8, 2023
  • Poster presenters (or selected delegate) must be present and by their poster during their Poster viewing timeslot:
    • 12:30-12:55 p.m. - Posters: 01, 04, 07, 10, 13, 16, 19
    • 12:55-1:20 p.m. - Posters: 02, 05, 08, 11, 14, 17
    • 1:20-1:45 p.m. - Posters: 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18
  • Poster setup time: Thursday, June 8, 2023 between 7:30 – 8:15 a.m.
  • Poster takedown time: Thursday, June 8, 2023 after 6:30 p.m.

*Please ensure your poster is removed during the take-down time. Any remaining posters after 7:00 p.m. will be held at registration for pick-up until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 10 after which they will be disposed of.

Presenting your Poster Virtually

You will be sent a welcome email from no-reply@pheedloop.com when the conference platform opens. This will include your login username and password. Please use this to login to the platform to visit the virtual poster hall which will open on Thursday, June 1, 2023.

Your contact email address will be listed on your poster page so that attendees can connect directly with you for any questions or comments they may have throughout the poster viewing period (Jun 1-12 ). You will not need to log onto the platform to view attendee messages.