Webinar Video
This series aims to bring together front-line clinicians caring for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and researchers from a range of disciplines and medical specialties. Participants can contribute to panel discussions by responding to live polls and submitting questions. Resources and practice tips will be shared throughout the series.

Full Webinar Details
Adults with intellectual developmental disabilities (IDD), such as autism and Down Syndrome, are not only more susceptible to COVID-19 but have also been facing greater physical and mental health challenges during the pandemic. Bringing together front-line clinicians caring for people with IDD and researchers from a range of disciplines and medical specialties, this webinar series will focus on what has been learnt about this group in relation to COVID-19, the practical implications for their health, and how to move forward. This second webinar addresses supporting people with IDD and their families in coping with behaviours that challenge and mental health during the pandemic.
Prof. Mindy Scheithauer
Psychologist & Program Manager; Severe Behavior Program, Marcus Autism Center
Assistant Professor, Division of Autism and Related Disabilities
Department of Pediatrics, Emory University’s School of Medicine
President of the of International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD)
Challenging Behaviours and Mental Health Special Interest Research Group (SIRG)
Prof. Ivan Brown
Director of IASSIDD and Special Interest Research Groups (SIRG)
Mr. Victor Pereira
Toronto, Canada
Dr. Ian Casson
Clinical Lead, Physical Health, Developmental Disabilities Primary Care Program (DDPCP), Surrey Place
Associate Professor (Adjunct), Department of Family Medicine, Queen’s University
Chair, Developmental Disabilities Member Interest Group, College of Family Physicians of Canada
Member, IASSIDD Health SIRG
Dr. Elspeth Bradley
Clinical Lead, Mental Health, DDPCP, Surrey Place
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Canada
Member, IASSIDD Challenging Behaviours and Mental Health SIRG
Prof. John Heng
Consultant, DDPCP, Surrey Place
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy; Disabilities Studies and Thanatology Programs
King’s University College, Western University, Canada
Board Member, IASSIDD Ethics SIRG and The Vanier Research Centre
Moderator, Question and Answer Session
Dr. William F. Sullivan
Clinical Lead, Developmental Disabilities Primary Care Program, Surrey Place
Family Physician, St. Michael's Hospital Academic Family Health Team
Associate Professor, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine,
University of Toronto, Canada