Day 2: Saturday October 21, 2023

11:00am-11:15am EST


Emcee: Joesh Khunkhun (he/him), Youth Ambassador and Speaker for the Stigma-Free Society
Conference Director: Thivia Jegathesan MPH PhD (she/her); St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto

11:15am-12:30pm EST

Keynote C

Rethinking and Creating New Possibilities to Address Health System Inequities
Amy Gajaria MD FRCPC (she/her); Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Anna Gunz MD FRCPC FAAP, Paediatric Intensivist & Clinical Lead Planetary Health & Sustainability, Children’s Hospital LHSC
Samir Shaheen-Hussain MD CM FRCPC (he/him), Member of The Caring for Social Justice Collective, Pediatric Emergency Physician
Moderator: Gabrielle Fayant-Lewis, Co-Founder, Assembly of Seven Generations (A7G)

12:30pm-12:45pm EST

Posters, Supporters, and Networking Break

12:45pm-1:45pm EST

Breakout Workshops C

  1. Building Communities in Planetary Health: Connecting & Protecting All Health
    Presented by: Anna Gunz (Clinical Lead Planetary Health & Sustainability, Children’s Hospital London Health Sciences Centre); Nicole Yawney (Youth Indigenous Wellness Consultant, London Health Sciences Centre); Shaquille Sealy (Operations Manager, Reforest London); Lesley Gittings (Assistant Professor Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University)
    Health Services and Systems
  2. Ensuring Health Care Equity for Newcomer Children and Youth: The Case for Professional Health Care Interpretation Services
    Presented by: Catherine Penney (Quality Improvement Specialist, National Newcomer Navigation Network); Christine Kouri (Project Lead, National Newcomer Navigation Network)
    Race-Based and Newcomer Health and Inequity
  3. Parent and Caregiver Perspectives on Youth Suicide and Systems of Care
    Presented by: Jori Jones (Doctoral Student, University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work)
    Health Services and Systems
  4. Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Canada
    Presented by: Cathy J. Chovaz (Professor/Clinical Psychologist, King’s University College at Western); Justin Mulder (Graduate Student, University of Ottawa); ASL interpretation services will be provided by Ava Hawkins, Certified Interpreter
    Developmental and Mental Health
  5. Social Prescribing: Achieving Health Equity for Children and Youth Through the Power of Community
    Presented by: Sue Bennett (Medical Director, Vanier Social Pediatric Hub); Caitlin Muhl (Social Prescribing Advisor, Vanier Social Pediatric Hub)
    Community Engagement
1:45pm-2:15pm EST

Posters, Supporters, and Networking Break

2:15pm-3:15pm EST

Breakout Workshops D

  1. Creating an Equitable Care System for Vulnerable Children, Youth and Families Experiencing Mental Health Crises – the Myles Ahead SafER Space Initiative
    Presented by: Leslie Kulperger (Founder, Executive Director, Myles Ahead, Advancing Child & Youth Mental Health); Shelley Kulperger (Director, Strategy, Engagement and Partnerships, Myles Ahead, Advancing Child & Youth Mental Health)
    Developmental and Mental Health
  2. Exploring the Consequences of ‘Benevolent’ Colonial Powers and Structural Inequities in the Implementation of Jordan’s Principle in Manitoba, Canada
    Presented by: Alison J. Gerlach (Associate Professor, University of Victoria); Vandna Sinha (Associate Research Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder)
    Indigenious Health
  3. Panel Discussion: Engaging with Community
    Panelists: Gabrielle Fayant-Lewis (Co-Founder, Assembly of Seven Generations (A7G), Mitesh Patel (Chief of Psychiatry, Youthdale), Moira Robertson (Advocate, ECHO Ontario Autism, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital) with Melanie Penner (Senior Clinician Scientist and Developmental Pediatrician, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital); Moderated by: Thalia Bueno (Advocate)
    Community Engagement
  4. Supporting South Asian Families Affected by Autism: A 10-Year Retrospective on Raising Awareness in British Columbia’s Punjabi Community
    Presented by: Preetinder Narang (District Behaviour Analyst, Surrey School District); Mandeep Gurm (R.Psych – Registered Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Sharon Arnold & Associates); Manpreet Singh (IT Consultant, University of British Columbia)
    Race-Based and Newcomer Health and Inequity
  5. Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Create a More Equitable Health System with Children, Youth, and Families in Peel
    Presented by: Dianne Fierheller (Scientist, Family and Child Health Initiative, Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners); Ian Zenlea (Clinician Scientist, Family and Child Health Initiative, Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners); Cilia Mejía-Lancheros (Research Lead, Family and Child Health Initiative, Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners); Arvid Krishendeholl (Community Partner)
    Health Services and Systems
3:15pm-3:45pm EST

Posters, Supporters, and Networking Break

3:45pm-4:45pm EST

Keynote D

Relational Health
Richa Agnihotri MD FRCPC (she/her); Community Paediatrics Section President, Canadian Paediatric Society; Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct), Pediatrics, McMaster University
Robin Williams MD FRCPC CM (she/her); Chair of Early Years Taskforce, Canadian Paediatric Society; Member of the Order of Canada

4:45pm-5:00pm EST

Closing Remarks

Emcee: Joesh Khunkhun (he/him), Youth Ambassador and Speaker for the Stigma-Free Society
Conference Director: Ripudaman Singh Minhas MD MPH FRCPC (he/him); St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto